Sunday, 23 October 2011

Week 3 - What The World Thinks Of America
the website i have chosen to use for my blog is a french website which focuses on stereotypical behavior and the inability of Europeans (focusing mainly on the french) to understand many american ways of life.
this website highlights the stereotypical french visions of america for example, the obesity rates in america, being predominantly well known as a country of low obesity rates the french are unable to comprehend how it is possible for so many people to be suffering from obesity in one country. america is also well known by the french for its infamous sky scrapers, powerful figures and strong culture all significantly reinforced in american media and television. it is important to understand that most of the french view of america comes from watching american TV and from the media which is not always a precise representation of all parts of america.
the website also discusses how a strong sense of anti-Americanism first developed in France. the main feeling of anti-Americanism in France first came after the Cuban invasion in 1898. this was seen (by the french) as the first time the us became a threat to a European country. america became, for the left wing a symbol of imperialism.
the website also focuses in on what the french find difficult to understand about american culture looking particularly at gun control and the judicial system. gun control, to most European countries is not something comprehensible as we are not used to that kind of freedom. most Europeans would not agree that allowing anyone the right to a gun can protect you reduces crime rates.
i think this website has a valid opinion, it does not necessarily praise nor criticise american culture however it gives a traditional french perspective of america which someone from another country or america itself may not agree with entirely.

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