Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Week 10 - American Consumerisum

This is an advert for Jack in the Box which was aired at the 2011 Superbowl game (one of the biggest sporting events in the USA). Jack in the Box is just one of the many examples of American fast food chains. The advert is aimed directly at Americans as it starts off by saying 'Hello America'. Overall this advert is abundant in American symbolism. For example, the Bold Eagle and the buffalo.
To sell this product 'The All American Jack Combo' they have used an all American theme, which can also show the significance of it being aired at the Superbowl game. Further examples of this are with the pick up truck (yet another typical American consumer product, which is symbolic to American culture), they have further Americanized the pick up truck by giving it a 'custom Constitution paint job).
By having the face/mascot of the company dressed up as important and symbolic figures in American history, the Statue of Liberty and President Lincoln, to me this shows how dominant the consumer culture has become in America as in a way it is almost of if it is ridiculing/mocking these historical figures by imitating them. I see this as, consumer culture and takeaway/throw away society, replaying the core values of freedom and liberty that America was founded on.

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