Tuesday, 20 December 2011

I wanted to wait until I got back from New York to post this blog, that and also i didn't realise I had to leave so early on Friday.

Being my third one day trip to the US, it was very different to before. When I was in Chicago I saw a very well kept city, I however never really left the uptown part, yet still it was well kept and relatively nice. Washington was amazing Georgetown and other part were well kept and very nice to walk around, it was also very clean and didn't smell and obviously capital hill and the capitol were very well built and well kept. However New York was not like this, it was nice and grand central station as well and Wall street were all very nice the interior of the EMpire state building as well as many places was very nice. Like in Chicago the roads and buildings were worn out. However in Chicago they didn't seem "grotty". In NYC I was so surprised from before I got off the plane. Newark airport was deserted... No airline except Continental/United seemed to park their planes their over night. Compared with LHR or LGW where every stand is full at night.

New York proper was amazing, yet everything looked like it needed a bit of money spent on it. the space between downtown and uptown was the middle of nowhere. Furthermore it didn't feel safe... there is a whole tension about it that I didn't feel in Washington. However New York is busy and can't afford time to get everything up to amazing standards, despite America being the richest nation in the world and NY being the economic centre of the world. This I can understand, and besides parts of it were Amazing and well built, I guess I was just a bit surprised.

Fortunately my seat allowed me to be the first to borders/customs Which was funny as I heard "Aircraft is in all officers to booths ready up boys." In an American accent. The border official was obviously scared that I had managed to get through every security check the other side of the flight and thus he carried a side arm. Which every person in a security position did. Thus I feel that this was the best view of America I had got. Chicago was a bit long ago and I was to young to look at everything around me. Washington was museum filled... New York was America, shopping markets and a very run down bit in the middle. However I really enjoyed the trip and seeing all the places that are famous thanks to films, tv and the news.

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