Friday, 2 December 2011

Week 10: American Consumerism
In terms of gadgets, the American brand 'Apple' has always led the way in consumer culture. This is the commercial for iphone 4 and it's feature of 'Face Time'. I found that the main ideas and values that were being conveyed were not only an obvious attempt to sell the product, but it could also be seen to portray the American values that are at the heart of society; for example, the family. There are many instances throughout the advert whereby the importance of the family is clearly visible. This idea is further enhanced by the fact that the majority of the commercial advertises the significance of it, as wells as that of relationships. Another American value that I found prominent was the idea of war. This particular scenario showed a soldier and how he couldn't be there to see the scan of his baby. This essentially reflects a negative view towards the notion of war, and could perhaps be seen to encourage the idea of 'world peace' that Americans hold so strongly. However, it is the product itself which enables him overcome the issue and to still witness the event; thus embodying the values within the commercial for the product.
Furthermore, the commercial could also be seen to reinforce the message that America 'dominates' the world. The main message and 'value' that the item embodies is obviously to bring people together. In this case, the item brings people together globally and essentially brings the world together. The fact that the product is American, and was created by the American Steve Jobs further enhances the ideology of America leading the way, and its significance and prominence within the consumer culture. This particular advert has been cleverly put together, not only to sell the product itself, but also to embody the values that America holds. Subtle conventions such as the choice of music, or the individual scenarios that are portrayed to the audience are what constitutes to the selling of the product. Although it is this which is the primary aspect, an important and noteworthy point is that the commercial as a whole reflects specific ideas and values on to the viewers which as a result makes America remain as the leaders of the consumer culture.

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